October's Discussion: Stem Cells

We had a good time discussing Stem Cells and the upcoming Missouri Amendment Two at Llywellyn's (Sort of at Llywellyn's) last Thursday. The doctors sounded smart, the mothers passionate, and our moderator a staunch atheist... And the beer and game after was very nice. Thanks Yadi, and thanks to all who came out. Care to continue the discussion now that we have all seen Michael J. Fox 100 times and heard Rush Limbaugh make an ass of himself (again???) in regards to Fox? What say you?


Matt Blazer said...

http://www.scrappleface.com/?p=2368 is an interesting, although somewhat twisted, video about this issue...

Some other web-sites that might be interesting to read: missouricures.com nocloning.org theonion.com

Cary said...

I was waiting for this issue to get a national face, and Michael J. Fox vs. Rush Limbaugh finally provided one. I thought Fox had one of the best sound bites in the debate on Katie Kurick's (sp?) program, which basically made the point that he had absolute respect for anyone who carefully, prayerfully came to a conclusion about the issue, and he has done the same and come to his own conclusion. He pointed out that the mockery and namecalling must stop for the issue to be debated correctly.