December Topic: Charging Ourselves to Death

Hope you're all coming!!! Tomorrow night...


Anonymous said...

...this season's hit really seems to be PS3, a new gaming system by Playstation. I read somewhere a ridiculous stat about the average age of a regular PS2 "gamer"--that it's like 30. Not 14, not 17...30! Is this normal?

Matt Blazer said...

What does normal mean, and what does it have to do with consumeriam???

What does the chaos surrounding the purchases of PS3's say about our society and our growing addiction to consumerism?

Unknown said...

I see normal as being the teenage age range being consumed by PS3's and the like.

If the media is able to hype something up enough, the country will go mad trying to purchase the next big technological break through. I don't even know anyone with a PS3, I know lots with the Wii.