February Topic


Rochelle said...

are you being sarcastic?

My mom smokes. She doesn't feel accepted or belonging to groups. I know it's her battle, but she doesn't even want to go to church or other social things because she feels "outed". She's been smoking since she's been 13 when it was an okay thing back in the 50's. I suppose it would be really hard to stop.

Amy Westra said...

No, I apologize if it came out that way. It is not meant to be sarcastic. The "Thank You for Smoking" came from a popular movie awhile back, and we thought it would grab people's attention. The discussion is about who is regulating out habits. Do we regulate our own habits? Does the government have a right to control our habits? (such as smoking/drinking/talking on the cell phone while driving/wearing a seatbelt/eating transfats/etc.) Who should take responsibility for these bad habits?